Launch Tabletop creates print-on-demand board games and accessories, and provides mass production services to the tabletop gaming industry.
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Launch Lab

Help for Launch Lab, the print-on-demand tabletop and board game manufacturing platform.

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Create a Launch Lab account

Tania Walker, 29 Nov 2023

Trouble logging in?

Kate Finch, 9 Nov 2022

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Frequently asked questions

At the top of your component list page is a Unit Price Estimator button. Click on this to view a price estimate for your project as it currently stands.

Adjusting the number of units to be produced will show the effect of different quantities on the cost per unit. The more units you make, the lower the cost per unit.

Beneath the number of units selectors are two tabs:

  • Project breakdown: This is a list showing the individual components in your project and the cost associated with each component.
  • Unit cost price breaks: This is a visual way to show where the major price breaks occur and how this affects the cost per unit.
  • Create an order: At the bottom of your component page, click the ‘Create Order’ button.
  • Name the order: Give your order a name.
  • Select projects: Select which projects you wish to add to your order.
  • Set quantity: Set your quantity of units for each project in your order. A total price indicator will specify the total cost.
  • Select shipping address: Select the address you’d like this order shipped to. You are also able to add and select a different address.
  • Review order: Choose a delivery option for your project from the list provided, then click ‘Complete your order’. You will be required to make payment before your order is sent off to review & production.

Important Notes

  • Only projects including a container/box can be selected.
  • Only projects with artwork that has passed preflight can be selected.

If you wish to proceed with a specific order, you’ll need to follow the Order process, which includes:

  • Confirm quantity & price.
  • Confirm shipping address.
  • Review your order.

Once this is done and if you’re happy to proceed, choose a courier service you’d like to go with.

Click on ‘Complete your order’ and you will be taken off to a secure page to make payment.

Once payment has been finalised, your order will now be active and will be reviewed by a Launch Tabletop representative shortly.

The two most important things to consider are:

  • The size of the board you need when it's unfolded and ready for play and
  • The box size you need to fit it into when folded to be put away.

Taking those two things into account, decide whether you prefer a bi-fold or a quad-fold board, whether you want to print on one side or both sides of the board, choose a finish on the printed sides, and select from the sizes available. For more compact board games, you may prefer a bi-fold, whereas long epic adventures may require a large quad-fold board to create an immersive tabletop experience. Read more about our game board options.

Have any questions that aren’t covered above? You may find the answer over in our Knowledge Base.

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